Why I Started Studying Astrology

Posted by Shannon Cunningham on

When I was in University in Halifax, I lived with a woman whose sister-in-law was studying to be an astrologer. She asked my roommate if she could do my chart as she had never met me (she lived in Toronto) and she wanted to do a chart for a stranger. Appealing to my ego, I agreed enthusiastically. A few weeks later I received this thick package in the mail. It was 13 pages long and hand written in a gorgeous calligraphy script. She nailed my personality and not in an overview kind of way. It got specific about certain things I had never shared with anyone and it freaked me out. I read it many times and then, instead of sharing it with friends, I stored it away. I did thank my roommate’s budding astrologer sister-in-law “Wow, you got me! Ha ha!”- but I never followed up with her. 

A few years later I was managing a coffee shop. In separate incidences, I ended up hiring a couple of women who were studying to become astrologers. It wasn’t on their resumes and I had no idea. They kept trying to get me to tell them my sign & I wouldn’t. Finally, one day, Elinor sidled up to me and said “You’re a Scorpio, aren’t you?” Busted, I broke. I told her all about the reading I had received and that I didn’t like thinking there was some oracle out there, dictating my fate. I liked to believe that 100% of my life was my responsibility- not some puppet master in the sky.  She said I had to meet her teacher to have her explain away such things to me so she gifted me with an astrological reading with her teacher- Patricia Creighton. The day I went for my reading, we sat down at Patricia’s kitchen table with a cup of tea, and suffice it to say, a couple of hours later, my interest in astrology was officially lit.

In the year 2000, I moved to Toronto for work and in my free time, I started studying astrology with a kick-ass astrologer named Julie Simmons. When I came to the end of my levels with Julie, I wanted to learn more. She made me aware of an organization called The Canadian Association for Astrological Education (The CAAE) whose headquarters are in Toronto. The mission of the CAAE is to become a leader in establishing and raising the standards of astrological education and practice in Canada. I called up the President of the organization, Janet Markham, and explained where I was in my studies and inquired as to where I should start with their curriculum. I wanted to become an accredited astrologer. She suggested we do a couple of phone sessions to assess, and this is how I found my astrological mentor, now lifetime friend, Janet. She is the best. By 2008, I had completed my Diploma in Chart Consultation and have been teaching and serving on the board for the CAAE ever since.

Astrology proves itself to me over and over again which is why I find it so fascinating. I love doing astrological readings with people and watching their eyes light up when an insight dawns. People are SO complex and any way I can help them to understand themselves and their fellow humans better is satisfying. With Star Presents, my mission is to send astrology out into the world in sweet little packages full of love & creativity. It’s a light treatment meant to introduce people to the subject and hopefully they’ll be excited about learning more.  I know I am:)

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