What does "my sign" mean?

Posted by Shannon Cunningham on

What most people refer to as your astrological “sign” is actually your Sun sign. This is the sign in which the Sun was located at the time of your birth. In fact, all of the planets, including the Moon were in a particular sign at the exact time of your birth and all of that information has a great deal of meaning in terms of who you, specifically, are!

The Sun is the most predictable and easy to follow celestial body in the sky. It moves one degree per day, it goes through one sign about every 30 days, and it takes roughly one year to complete its loop through the zodiac wheel. Sound familiar?  Yes, this is actually how long it takes us to go one rotation around the sun. But we measure astrology from earth because that’s where we earthlings live. So the Sun fits quite neatly into our calendar.

The Sun also gets the greatest amount of press because it is the biggest and brightest object in our galaxy. For this reason, in your chart, the Sun represents your gravitational center and what you are becoming in your lifetime. It’s your heart’s desire and that’s a pretty big deal.

However, it is not right to say that it is all that you are! Julie Simmons, an astrologer I deeply respect, once said that the Sun accounts for about 52% of your astrological stuffing and although I am reluctant to agree to a percentage, I think it is a good way to say – you are much more than “your sign”. And, of course, your history, heredity and environment have done a lot to shape you... 

If your Sun sign was all that astrology was about, there would only be 12 different personality types in the world and we all know this isn’t true. However, the watered down version of astrology that you read in your daily newspaper seems to suggest that this is the case and, for many, this is the only thing they know about astrology. Trust me- astrology is almost mind boggling in it's complexity! You are not 1 in 12, you are 1 in 7 billion. And thank god for that. It takes a lot of different people to make up a whole world:).


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