Aquarius Gift Bag- January 21 to February 19

  • $60.00

Aquarians rule the subject of Astrology as well as all things individualistic and futuristic. They will love the unique items created for them in their Shannon Astrology Gift bag. Natural humanitarians, Aquarians will also dig that the products are good for the planet.

AQUARIUS - Sun Sign Gift Bag Includes:

• Your personal sun sign write up, detailing what Shannon has to say about being born with your sun in Aquarius!

• A soy & coconut wax candle scented with pure essential oils specific to your sign. The Aquarius candle is made with petitgrain, clove and a touch of blood orange. 

• An amulet bracelet of powerful healing stones, aimed to help you with the folly of your sign. The stone selected for Aquarius is Amethyst. The bracelet also has a lava bead on it which can act as an essential oil diffuser! 

• An organic loose leaf tea blended with your sign in mind. Aquarius tea is Yerba mate, turmeric and your circulation system booster- Ginger.